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Groups & Ministries

The easiest way to feel at home in church is to plug into what's happening!



Our Choir is more than just music, it's family!

Rehearsals Sunday nights at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. For information on how to get involved, reach out to Sue Early, our Music Director.


​R.O.C.K. Retired Older Christian Kids

55+ folks (not a requirement to be retired) have fellowship and dinner at a local restaurant once a month. Generally meets at 5:30 PM on the third Thursday of each month. Check the Happenings for each month's notice.


Women's Care Group

Watch the Happenings for upcoming monthly fellowship events.


Men's Brewery Night

Meets once a month for fellowship, usually on the second Friday of the month at 6:00 PM at different breweries around town, headed up by Luke Manning. Reach out to him for more information and watch the Happenings for the brewery location of the month.

Adult Bible Studies


Each Sunday morning from 9:45-10:30 am there are adult classes in the fellowship hall and/or next door in A-112.


Women's Bible Study - every 2nd and 4th Tuesday morning from 9:45-11:00 am in A-112. We use video-based lessons and workbooks. We have some lively discussions afterwards. 


Men's Bible Breakfast meets in the Fellowship Hall from 8:30-9:30 am Saturday mornings. Come have a light breakfast and Bible Study. Contact Les Schmaltz for information.


LifeLight Bible Study explores one book of the Bible at a time Tuesday nights (September to May) over Zoom meetings online - connect with members near and far.


Other small groups happen throughout the week - talk with Pastor Jason Moreno to learn about local groups in your area.

Children's Sunday School


Children in grades K through 5th grade are encouraged to attend our Sunday School.  Meet in B-104. Parents, you are more than welcome to stay with your little ones, or you can check out the adult Bible study during the same time.


Children's Worship


Children in grades K through 3rd grade may attend our Children's Worship during late worship at 10:45 am for a modified worship setting that is geared for younger children.  Meet in B-103. Older children and children in general are encouraged to attend worship, sit for the Children's Sermon, and use Kid's Corner materials to be engaged.




Children up to age 4 (Pre-K) may attend our professionally supervised Nursery during Sunday School and both worship services in B-102.

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Junior/Senior High Study


Middle and high school are encouraged to attend Sunday School every Sunday from 9:30-10:30 am in the Youth Room, upstairs by the playground.


Youth group for middle and high school students happens once a month after late service, beginning with lunch at Noon in the High School Cafe (next to the Youth Room), then moving into games and devotions and finishing by 1:30 pm. (Contact Pastor Jason Moreno for dates and questions.)


Confirmation is available for youth in 7th and 8th grade (and above). Talk with Pastor Jason for more information.

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