Christ Memorial Lutheran Church and Early Childhood Learning Center

Christ Memorial Church Worship Service Videos:
YouTube channel for Christ Memorial
We have a variety of services - one is sure to fit your worship style! Our 8:15 am Sunday service is traditional. The 10:45 am service is more blended and contemporary.
We love kids and families worshiping Jesus together. A handout is made available for children to help them follow the service and learn how to worship Jesus together with their family. Look for activity bags and clipboards, available in the sanctuary foyer in the Kid's Corner, for children to use during the service.
We also provide a nursery for children aged 0 to 4 years old during each service for parents who wish to use it.
Children in grades K through 3rd grade may attend our Children's Worship during late worship at 10:45 am for a modified worship setting that is geared for younger children in B-103. Older children (and children in general) are encouraged to attend worship, sit for the Children's Sermon, and use Kid's Corner materials to stay engaged.